Im going to do my Persuasive writing blog on Amanda Knox. Amanda Knox is a 23 year old female who was accused of murdering her roommate over in Italy.her roommates name was Meredith. Amanda Knox is now serving a 26 year sentence, and is waiting for her appeal here soon. Amanda Knox
My first evidence is going to be she didn't do it. There was no eveidence in the room that Meredith was in, that Amanda was there. Amanda was with her boyfriend, Raeffaele Sollicito. This cannot be there motive because they think that they did it together. When Amanda went home to take a shower, she only saw a little blood in the bathroom. She thought it was menstreul blood or someone cut themselves. link # 2 . In the bathroom, where amanda showered, there was a bloody foot print. The bloody footprint was too big to be Amanda's, but it didnt foot Raeffeales foot structure. Foot Print
The evidence against Amanda Knox is bologna. The knife that was used to kill Meredith, there were only 5 cells that belonged to Amanda. That is hardly enough to convict her. The 5 cells from amanda could have been from her trying to cut a pizza. 5 cells does not prove that she killed her. Not to mention the Bra clasp. The bra clasp of Meredith Kercher had Raeffeales DNA on it. That just means that Amanda could have worn it. The bra clasp had no DNA of Amandas. bra clasp
When Amanda was in prison, in Italy, the doctor there told her that she was HIV positive. Amanda was very upset. The doctor ran another test to check again. He then told her that it was negative. Amanda then wrote a document. The document had haw many sexual partners had and how many times they got together. This document somehow got linked to the press. Thats where the press found the name Foxy Knoxy.
Most people would probably say that Amanda did do this. During this whole thing Amanda was not acting herself. She was doing cartwheels in the interigation room. She was kissing Realffe like nothing was goin on. She never seemed upset at the trials. Amanda was never in trouble with the law before this. Yes Amanda smoked weed. So what! It never affected anyhting.
Of all this I believe Amand Knox is innocent! She is a a young girl that was accused of a horrible thing. An innocent girl has lost 3 years of her life for a crime she didnt commit. Amanda Is suppose to be done with school already. She could probably have kids too. Amada had an appeal December 20, 2010.
factual facts
NOW I understand your interview questions better! Good job researching this topic and setting up a persuasive argument! You still have some spelling and grammar issues, but overall I think you argue your point well and analyze the evidence. Good use of links!